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I Got You Babe

Reading Time: 4 minutes

February 2nd of this year marked the 136th anniversary of Groundhogs Day in Punxsutawney, PA. which superstitiously predicts if we will experience 6 more weeks of winter.

As I share this article on March 16, it is officially 6 weeks later since Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow.  Regardless if Phil was right or wrong for your region of the world, Spring is finally on the horizon after a very long winter.

“Globally, the pandemic could be viewed as a very long winter season as many of us have lived in hibernation, hunkered down, and behind masks for the last 2 years.”

As Spring arrives with an array of colors and some of us battle seasonal affective disorders (SAD), we’re hopeful the colder weather and pandemic also fade as a distant memory.

In this change of season, millions of working professionals are also experiencing their spring of career shifts, entrepreneurship, and or early retirement.   Thanks to technology, more entrepreneurs being born in the last year than ever before in history.  The 9-5 brick-and-mortar is forever changed as remote work and freelancing are the way of the future. 

The Burnout Story of 1993

In the 1993 classic movie, Groundhog Day, Phil Connors a weatherman played by Bill Murray, is caught in a time-warped hamster wheel of his career. 

Bill was miserable, hated his job, and this cyclical pattern of waking up on the same day led him into a deep depression, anxiety, and multiple suicide attempts.  He eventually realized that he had to keep reliving Groundhogs Day until he got it right which was over 12,000 times (33 years).

We can relate to this misery, unfortunately!   Many of us suffer from career fatigue, toxic workplace culture, and zapped energy from endless zoom meetings and email.  Burned-out employees are more focused on fixing processes instead of the goals in their job description.

Like Phil, we have lost joy in our work and are trapped in a workplace stalemate.

Rita falls for Phil

What saved Phil in this movie was authentic love!  In front of him, the entire time was the love of his life, his co-worker Rita.  Not only did he find love in Rita, but he found love in the areas of life outside of his work, in his hobbies, and in serving others.

The climax of the movie came once Phil found himself.  That lead domino resulted in a much more fulfilled life and true love.

What are the practical lessons that can be applied by looking at the life of Phil Conners?

Find Your Love! Playing the piano, reading a novel, writing poetry, baking cookies, or coaching your child’s soccer team are just a few thought starters.  Recharging your physical and emotional self should be a part of your daily life.  Write down a list of things you like to do that are not work-related and choose one to apply for at least 1 hour every single day.

Don’t Quit Your Job (Yet).  Read my recent article on the importance of making a slow and thoughtful career move.  The point is to weigh your options, do internal and external assessments of your life goals, and carefully make a move to make changes in your current work or transition to a new career.  If you are suffering from sadness, depression, and suicidal thoughts from the demands of life, know that you are not alone.  Get to know the signs and seek help and/or help someone who may need support.

Live Purposefully.  Living intentionally is a balance of self-care and caring for others.  Wake up and recharge your battery appropriately by hydrating, journaling, reading, and praying.  Find silence without your phone, social media, or email.  This should be an immovable ritual every single day.  Move your body with exercise or have a meditative walk around your neighborhood or in nature.  Once you put on your mask with your morning routine, look around and help everyone around you starting with your family.  

Be ok with the repeat button (for now).  Like Phil, our days and weeks can often look the same.  It’s ok to call in sick and it’s ok to call in sad.  To fall in love with your work again, find healthy ways to recharge and spice up your life.  Go for a walk at lunch, network with one person a day, take a 15-minute power nap, reread #1, and find your hobby.

Are you Phil Conners? Are you going through your version of Groundhogs Day? 

Though we don’t get the opportunity to relive days until we get it right,  we do have the CHOICE of getting off the proverbial hamster wheel.

“I Got You, Babe”

“I Got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher is the song Phil would wake up to every single day throughout the movie.  This song foreshadows the “happily ever after” love story of Phil and Rita.  The song also had an underlying message to the naysayers…to find unconditional love, be authentic, persevere and grow.

They say we’re young and we don’t know, We won’t find out until we grow, 

Well, I don’t know if all that’s true, ’cause you got me, and baby I got you.

They say our love won’t pay the rent before it’s earned, our money’s all spent,

I guess that’s so, we don’t have a plot, but at least I’m sure of all the things we got.

I guess that’s so, we don’t have a plot, but at least I’m sure of all the things we got,

And when I’m sad, you’re a clown, and if I get scared, you’re always around.

So let them say your hair’s too long, ’cause I don’t care, with you I can’t go wrong,

Then put your little hand in mine, there ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb.

Babe, I Got You, Babe!

Today, we celebrate that it is the next day.  We celebrate 6 weeks later.  We celebrate enduring the last 2 years.  Regardless of when you are reading this, it’s time to embrace and celebrate change, endurance and growth.




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