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Tag: purpose

a tablet on a rocky beach

Quiet Vacationing is Sounding the Alarm on Workplace Burnout

Americans take off an average of 11 days per year which ranks last amongst all countries. The problem with this number isn’t about policy, it’s about the achievement culture we’ve created. Each one of us can make a difference reversing this trend and it starts with a shift in perspective in how we view achievement.

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7 WFH Boundaries You Must Know

Boundaries limit where we can go, but it also gives freedom. To fully grasp freedom in a boundary, is to first understand that boundaries aren’t there to restrict. They are there to protect.

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brown beach umbrellas on beach during daytime

Normalize Sabbaticals, Beat Burnout

Work is a good thing! So is rest! But are we getting enough rest and are we getting the right type of rest? Sabbaticals are a start and there are ways we can start to normalize them in our society to help beat the burnout epidemic.

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person in black shirt lying on bed

10 Hacks to Survive the Afternoon Crash

The biggest energy trap in our work days is the afternoon crash. For ages, we have treated this with sugary treats and caffeine, and then we go to great lengths to compound “the crash” with more meetings. It doesn’t have to be this way and there are quick hacks to get through the afternoon slump.

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people standing on shore during golden hour

The Most Important 9 to 5

Every organization has a leader, mission, and a set of values that drives the organization. But this is all missing in the most important organization in the world, the family!

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