Tag: email

people standing on shore during golden hour

The Most Important 9 to 5

Every organization has a leader, mission, and a set of values that drives the organization. But this is all missing in the most important organization in the world, the family!

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ball under basketball ring

Just One Season

Can you imagine destroying the reputation of your employer? Or perhaps you are self-employed, and you utterly failed at meeting the expectations of your client. Could you imagine getting paid even more money and promoted after this type of failure? Coach Popovich’s recent contract renewal is packed with many lessons to get us through burnout and work-life ruts.

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Love scrabble tiles on book page

How To Overcome Blind Spots

Scotoma is defined as a blind spot in our field of vision. Such is life, we have metaphoric blind spots. It takes mentors, friends, family, and God to show us through our blind spots.

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clear hour glass with brown frame
Time Management

Why Obey Parkinson’s Law

Cyril Northcote Parkinson was an author and British naval historian who introduced his “law” in 1955 through a humorous satirical article published in the Economist. Parkinson saw inefficiencies in how we spend our time working….this critique is still relevant today. Overhauling workflows to be more efficient with time starts with a 3-step program introduced in this article.

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a computer screen with a web page on it
Time Management

Don’t Trip Over the Typos

The last 25 years have transformed our lives to be operated by technology. Computers, the internet, smart devices, and now OpenAI is at the source of all that we do. I caution all users not to lose our values with the use of these platforms and devices. They are all tools, not human replicas. We have hearts, souls, and imaginations! This article dives into the ethics and what questions we should ask before using any tool governed by AI.

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green grass field near body of water under cloudy sky during daytime

Why Was Patrick a Saint?

St. Patrick took a tragic event in his life that stole his hope, only to find his life’s purpose to give people hope. What can we take away from his journey?

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