man writing on paper

5 Steps to Take Before Quitting Your Job

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In 2020, my life started to transform with a long list of goals that got my time, health, and life back in order and put me back in a position of ownership.  My goals were to lose weight, be healthier, be present, and be a better dad…tangible goals to make sure to not work past 5 (on most days) and not at work before 9 (on most days), and focus on all other times which is 9-5. 

Throughout my career, I have learned that what happens between 9-5 is NOT going to bring true happiness.  For the knowledge-based worker, it’s what happens before 9 AM and after 5 PM that truly unlocks the secrets of joy, freedom, independence, and purpose.   

  • Yes, there will always be some sense of fulfillment with what is accomplished at work.   
  • Yes, there is nothing wrong with having a 9-5 job that fits into your purpose 
  • Yes, climbing the corporate ladder and getting promotions is very gratifying in the human sense. 

Each human on this earth has a gift and a purpose that typically plays out at work.  We spend over 90,000 hours of our lives working, so I don’t want to debunk the importance of having a job and chasing success.  However, I do want to argue the power that the job has over your life.  If it hasn’t hit you yet, there comes a point when all of the accolades of your work life become just empty calories.  The chase never ends and the rat race continues.   This is my story and I quit.

However, I didn’t just quit on a whim.  It took me nearly 2 years to go through a lengthy evaluation, planning, and vetting process to make sure my steps were taken carefully.  It took many conversations with my wife as well as asking God to show me His will for my life.  Yes, 2 years is a long time to contemplate anything but it doesn’t have to take that long for you!  So here are some important steps you should take before you leave: 


Inventory your professional and personal goals.

Assess this list and evaluate if your job is contributing to where you would like to go in life.  Both of these lists can be completely separate from each other.  Be sure to get detailed from growing your family, to saving for retirement, paying off student loans, or your bucket list of international destinations. 


Inventory your interests and passions.

This is important because the passions that you have outside the job are what fuels you to be energized for the job.  If you aren’t refueling, this leads to burnout on the job.  Some of these passions could be running, writing poetry, cooking, watercolor painting, playing an instrument, or organizing your attic (not me).  These passions may or may not lead to a new career path, but should not be dismissed as a critical part of your daily life.  One of many questions at this point is to ask, “Does my current job allow me time to rest, reset, and rejuvenate”?


Inventory your gifts, talents, and values.

This may require asking those around you to tell you what your top characteristics are.  This could be leadership skills, listening, encouraging, organizing, musical or artistic ability…etc.  There are many assessments on the market like the Enneagram or Strengthsfinder.  I also would recommend the Spiritual Gift Assessment tool as well.  Be sure to also write down your values and compare them to your personality tests and your personal/professional goal lists.

Don’t forget that in evaluating the priorities of life for you and your family (aka, your values), that there is also VALUE in your past.  The people that you have intersected paths with at old jobs or communities are potential connections to the path forward.  Write out a full list of people who have had influence on you and start connecting.  


Surround yourself with your community. 

This next to the last step is the most critical.  No decision in life should be made alone.  We are humans and are meant for connection.  We need a community of not only kindred spirits, but unique voices from different paths. 

Confide and discuss in detail this assessment with your significant other.  Don’t stop there, contact your closest friends…specifically pay attention to those who are a few steps ahead of you and can provide sound wisdom.


Strategically plan and execute. 

At this point in your discovery process, you have probably been ignited with a few what-ifs, maybe a dream that has been rekindled inside.  This is no accident, you were created for a purpose and with desires that are uniquely wired for you.  So if all arrows are pointing to you leaving your current job, plan carefully.  Make a budget, assess your savings, seek out a business coach, do your homework on start-ups, create your business plan, and most importantly, make sure your family is on board.  

To help in the strategic life plan, consider picking up a copy of Whose Home, which is a workbook designed for families in chaos or standing at the crossroads.

A scripture to reflect on as you assess your journey, relationship with time, and seeking wisdom for your life is Ephesians 5: 15-16 which says…Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.   

Bonus tip based on my personal experience.  If you decide to leave your job, don’t burn bridges, and make sure you are considerate to your colleagues, management, and even the timing of your departure…to the best of your ability.  If it takes you 2 weeks, 2 months, or like me, 2 years to go through this process, find peace in your daily walk and make the best use of your time! (



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